Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HHH's Geocache of the Day: Unusual Geocache Placements

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One of the many very cool aspects of geocaching is ones ability to place a geocache in an area that can be deemed 'unusual'. That being said the term unusual can mean anything from something visually surprising, informative and down right, umm, unusual. In these special cases it usually means that ground zero is extremely muggle prone. That and I cannot stress enough the importance with getting the correct permission from the land owner for placement. Do everything right and you have the potential of one heck of a geocache hide on your hands and an upcoming logbook of happy geocachers just waiting to find it.

So what would be some good examples of unusual. In my past I have found entire series of geocaches based on iconic statues or pieces of art. In the photograph above shows a rather well painted rooster that is part of a geocaching series based off a single artist. Another placement actually had me stating 'No Freak'n Way' when I drove up to ground zero. This is a family blog so I won't go into the exact details but lets just say when you stand a certain way the artist's concept created a visual representation that required the correct placement of large shrubbery to understand the full effect. Email me if you want to learn more.

In any case the attraction nearby does not have to be the unusual part. The geocache itself can be notably different as well. I have found geocaches in the form of mushrooms, gnomes, owls and a whole assortment of other normally unused shapes and sizes. I really believe that these types of geocaching finds are just as surprising and fun as the tricky, where is it kind. Both also give you the exact same digital smiley.

It is situations like this that just prove to many how geocaching is a very diverse and amazingly creative game, sport and obsession.

Until tomorrows next geocaching adventure...


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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