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Monday, January 31, 2011
10 Things You Need To Know Before The Opening Bell
David Walker: Obama Has "No Coherent Strategy" for Tackling Deficit or Creating Jobs
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How to Prepare for Warm Weather Races (When It's Cold Out!)
I recently received this question from Melanie, a runner facing a very common winter running problem:
I'm training for a half marathon in Florida this March, but I live in Massachusetts. How do I prepare myself for the warm weather racing conditions when my training runs are always in the cold?
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Best Garden Design Software Download: 2011 Reviews
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Pad & Quill MacBook Air Hideaway Book Case
Pad & Quill the creators of the iPad and iPhone book cases have now unveiled their lastest new addition to its range, the Pad & Quill MacBook Air hideway book case named the Cartella.
The Cartella is constructed using an italian leather-bound, baltic birch-framed book-a-like for both the 11 and 13-inch Airs. Similar to their other creations for iPad and iPhone the Pad & Quill Cartella case cleverly disguises your MacBook Air as a book while being carried, to hopefully discourage any interest in your new shiny laptop.
Squashy corner pads are used to position your MacBook Air while in the case keeping it secure and protected from scratches that might be caused by the birch wood interior. The case has all the required cut outs to allow recharging and USB access while in the case and the front cover folds back on itself to create a wedge-shaped lap-table to work on.
The Pad & Quill Cartella case is now available to purchase for $100.
Via Gadget Lab
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Pad & Quill MacBook Air Hideaway Book Case (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Yahoo Confirms Flickr Not For Sale
Yahoo has put rumours to rest, announcing that its Yahoo’s Flickr site is not for sale or going to be closed like Yahoo’s other Web products, including the once popular bookmarking service Delicious.
Although Flickr is well known and still widely used, its traffic is shrinking due to added competition from Facebook who has revamped their photo features and services dramatically over the last 6 months.
Unique US visitors to Flickr fell 16 percent, to 21.3 million, in December 2010 when compared to earlier in the year. While during the same period Facebooks photo feature grew 92 percent, to 123.9 million users.
The confusion over Flickr’s future started when Yahoo announced that it would be closing it bookmarking service Delicious. Flickr was originally founded in 2004 by Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake which quickly grew in size and was then sold Yahoo for a reported $35 million.
Via Hexus
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Yahoo Confirms Flickr Not For Sale (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Android Tablets Catching Up With Apple iPad Sales
Ever since the Apple iPad went on sale it has been the most popular tablet available on the market, it still is today but it looks like tablets which run Google’s Android OS are beginning to eat in to Apple’s tablet market share.
In the third quarter of 2011, iPad sales made up a total of 96 percent of all tablet sales, things are a little different in the fourth quarter of 2010, with the iPad making up 75 percent of all tablet sales.
Tablets which are running Google’s Android OS made up 22 percent of all the tablets sold in the fourth quarter of 2011, this was obviously helped by the likes of Samsung and their Galaxy Tab which sold around 2 million units in the last quarter.
2011 certainly is going to be very interesting for tablet computers, Google has their tablet specific version of Android launching, and Apple will be launching the iPad 2.
via Mashable
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Android Tablets Catching Up With Apple iPad Sales (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Gibraltar: Ivanchuk beats Short to take the lead
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2012 Ford Focus U.S.-Spec – First Drive Review
Ford has cracked the code on the C-segment and returned the Focus’s honor.
Ford was keen that we drive a preproduction 2012 Focus out of the public eye. That’s how we wound up near Potrero, California, separated from the Mexican border by nothing but a rocky brown hill. Well, that’s not exactly true. Between us and the border also stood an armada of maybe 500 U.S. Border Patrol vehicles, enough that any illegal alien probing the landscape would knock himself unconscious on a government-issue Ford Excursion or Chevy Suburban. We represented an additional hazard to cranial health, madly hurling a navy-blue Focus back and forth along State Route 94. Our progress was surely tracked by scores of agents wielding monster binoculars, who twice halted us at hastily erected roadblocks for “curiosity checks.” Which is how we became the very public spectacle that Ford so fervently hoped to avoid. Victory. (Once its cover was blown, we photographed the Focus in remote downtown L.A.).
Keep Reading: 2012 Ford Focus U.S.-Spec – First Drive Review
Related posts:
- 2012 Ford Focus Euro-Spec – First Drive Review
- 2012 Ford Focus – First Look
- 2012 Ford Focus – Auto Shows
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Google looking for a few good mobile-app developers
Originally posted at News - Wireless
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And the iPad 2 display rumor of the week is...
Originally posted at Nanotech - The Circuits Blog
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Adult skin cells converted directly to beating heart cells
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
Private Sector on the Mend But There's Still Too Much "Uncertainty," Walker Says
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phil&teds Jogging Strollers Recalled
phil&teds USA Inc. has issued a voluntary recall of their jogging strollers because when folding and unfolding the stroller, a consumer's finger can become caught in the hinge mechanism, posing amputation and laceration hazards. The recalled strollers were sold in specialty juvenile stores nationwide from May 2008 through July 2010 for between $350 and $450. Get a complete description of models, serial numbers and pictures here.
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Compost For All Seasons - Spring
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The Dunhill Biometric Wallet Is Hard To Steal
It has a Bluetooth alarm, fingerprint identification, and an unbreakable carbon fiber exterior. We’re thinking if Batman carried a wallet while fighting crime, it would be this. Matches his outfit too.
Batman aside, the Dunhill Biometric Wallet sure beats the usual leather variant thanks to some pimpin’ features. There’s a money clip inside to hold your precious cash –money. Plus there’s ample room for credit cards and assorted debt-inducing nonsense. Now if it only had a diamond encrusted surface this would be the Cartier and Lamborghini of wallets rolled into one.
Our crazy musings aside, here’s what it says in the official site:
“Virtually indestructible, the dunhill Biometroc Wallet will open only with touch of your fingerprint.
it can be linked via Bluetooth to the owner’s mobile phone – sounding an alarm if the two are separated by more than 5 metres! This provides a brilliant warning if either the phone or wallet is stolen or misplaced.
The exterior of the wallet is constructed from highly durable carbon fiber that will resist all but the most concerted effort to open it, while the interior features a luxurious leather credit card holder and a strong stainless steel money clip.”
Via Dvice
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
The Dunhill Biometric Wallet Is Hard To Steal (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Drug Smuggling Catapult Captured In Arizona
Miles and miles of secret tunnels. Mini-submarines built in the jungle fastness of Central America’s remotest areas. A DIY catapult for hurling marijuana across the U.S.-Mexico border. Clearly, the inventiveness of drug cartels is limitless, equal parts Viet Cong, Captain Nemo, and medieval cleverness.
(Excuse us for the less the craptastic pic above, but it was taken fresh from the scene of the crime.)
A working catapult that can deliver a 4 lbs. payload has just been seized by Mexican authorities after being alerted by the U.S. National Guard, who used video surveillance to spot the culprits. The catapult had a bit of Mad Max to it, being attached on a flatbed truck.
Here’s a good chunk of the official news bit to explain the rest:
“Tucson TV station KVOA says Border Patrol agents working with the National Guard contacted Mexican authorities, who went to the location and disrupted the catapult operation.
The 3-meter (3-yard) tall catapult was found about 20 meters (20 yards) from the U.S. border on a flatbed towed by a sports utility vehicle, according to a Mexican army officer with the 45th military zone in the border state of Sonora.
The catapult was capable of launching 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of marijuana at a time, the officer said Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity for security reasons.
Soldiers seized found 16 kilograms (35 pounds) of marijuana, the vehicle and the catapult device, the officer said.
The smugglers left the area before they could be captured.”
Who said watching The History Channel was a waste of time?
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Drug Smuggling Catapult Captured In Arizona (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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eBook Sales Surpass Paperbacks
Bestseller culture and the industry it belongs too is changing again. Actually it depends on your outlook. Either traditional printing is becoming obsolete or making its latest evolutionary step forward. Amazon has reported that ebook sales via Kindle have outpaced print book sales.
The ratio is for every 100 paperbacks sold Kindle users have purchased 143 ebooks more. The Kindle itself is riding high on the ebook wave, replacing the last Harry Potter installment as Amazon’s bestselling product. We’d like to add “for all time” but who are we kidding? Amazon hasn’t even been around two decades.
But yeah, ebooks are dope thanks to the explosion of readers and tablets. Still, we aren’t sold on the whole idea that ebooks will replace print books anytime soon. While ebooks may allow certain published works to be distributed in a scale previously unknown, they still have a lot of catch up around the world. Until everyone has an e-reader or tablet, bookshelves and their occupants will do fine.
Also, despite the perfect timing that has allowed ebooks to proliferate at an alarming pace, we believe the next decades will bring about an age when reading material becomes a more diverse ecosystem where print and digital texts coexist side by side.
Anyway, kudos ebooks! May you continue shaking the publishing industry with reckless abandon.
Via Gizmodo
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
eBook Sales Surpass Paperbacks (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Col. Sanders Must be Rolling In His Grave
Cos KFC’s sacred formula has just been leaked. The bad news isn’t that one of the biggest secrets of fast food has exploded. It’s the banality of the ingredients themselves. Ground oregano? Onion salt? Garlic powder?
Oh, and what the heck is Accent? The parenthesis says “(An MSG based seasoning).” An artificial flavor, apparently. This just be the holy grail that gives KFC the fighting edge over lesser brands.
Of course, coming from a source that’s not exactly akin to Wikileaks does reduce this expose’s authenticness. Er, authenticity. It might all e a bad joke unless someone tries the instructions pictured up north and viola! It does taste like KFC.
Then again, a few master chefs probably cracked the code decades ago and thought it wasn’t worth the bother and the lawsuits exposing it to the world.
But if this is indeed the master formula to prepare finger lickin’ goodness, then KFC should be on the war path right now. Cutting of the source’s PayPal account, pressuring MasterCard, puppeteer the Swedish legal system…oh wait, we’ve confused this with Wikileaks. Again. Our bad.
This post has made us hungry. *Who wants to go have some KFC?*
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Col. Sanders Must be Rolling In His Grave (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Cancer patient relies on her faith during her last days
ERIN McCRACKEN / Courier & Press Pat White, left, hugs her former sister-in-law, Pat Pierce, as Beverly Smith, another former sister-in-law, joins in their goodbyes at the Merry-Go-Round Restaurant in Evansville after their monthly family lunch get-together on Friday.
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Would you buy a Motorola Xoom tablet?
Originally posted at Nanotech - The Circuits Blog
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Daily Quiz for January 30, 2011
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Haploinsufficiency of Gtf2i, a gene deleted in Williams Syndrome, leads to increases in social interactions
Identifying genes involved in social behavior is important for autism research. Williams–Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a developmental syndrome with unique neurocognitive features, including low IQ, deficits in visuospatial and visual-motor abilities, hypersensitivity to sounds, hypersociability, and increased general anxiety. The syndrome is caused by a recurrent hemizygous deletion of the 7q11.23 region, containing about 28 genes. One of genes in the region, GTF2I, has been implicated in the hypersociability and visuospatial deficits of WBS based on genotype–phenotype correlation studies of patients with atypical deletions. In order to clarify the involvement of GTF2I in neurocognitive function, especially social behavior, we have developed and characterized Gtf2i-deficient mice. We found that homozygous deletion of Gtf2i causes lethality during embryonic development with neural tube closure defects and exencephaly, consistent with other reports. Gtf2i heterozygous animals show no gross changes in brain structure or development. Furthermore, heterozygous animals show no alterations in learning and memory, including spatial memory as assessed by the Morris water maze, but show alterations in the recognition of novel objects. Interestingly, they show increased social interaction with unfamiliar mice and do not show typical social habituation processes, reminiscent of the hypersociability observed in WBS patients. The mice do not appear to show increased anxiety, supporting a specific effect of Gtf2i on defined domains of the WBS phenotype. These data indicate that Gtf2i is involved in several aspects of embryonic development and the development of social neurocircuitry and that GTF2I haploinsufficiency could be a contributor to the hypersociability in WBS patients.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011
29 January, 2011 - An Analysis of DxOMark Sensor
DxOMark Sensor is a service that benchmarks camera bodies. These measurements of primarily noise-behavior are published on
In today's new article, Peter van den Hamer analyzes the benchmark. The article explains that increasing resolution doesn't necessarily increase image noise. In contrast, using a physically bigger sensor typically does lower noise and increase dynamic range. This is explained in terms of the underlying theory, but also illustrated using actual DxOMark data.
Last, but not least, the article provides overviews showing how the various DxOMark measurements on actual cameras vary for cameras with different sensor sizes.
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US official in Pakistan to face murder charge
Pakistan will pursue murder charges against a U.S. consular employee suspected in the shooting deaths of two armed men possibly intent on robbing him, a top prosecutor said Friday.
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How a Dying Wish Became a Best-Selling Investment Guide
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5 Popular Wheat Penny Error Coins
It seems everybody likes collecting Lincoln wheat pennies.
Wheat cents, which were last made in 1958, show the familiar image of President Lincoln on the obverse and two stalks of wheat, signifying prosperity, on the reverse.
While tens of millions of these Lincoln wheat pennies were made without flaw from 1909 to 1958, there were several which ended up with errors that eventually turned them into valuable and sought-after collectibles.
Let's take a look at 5 of the most popular wheat penny error coins.
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The Silver Trime: United States 3-Cent Coins
The trime... the name surely sounds much like dime.
Well, in terms of small-diameter coins, the trime and dime are pretty much relatives.
However, in terms of buying power, a dime is more than 3 times as strong as the trime.
That's because a trime is a silver 3-cent piece!
Let's find out some fun info about America's 3-cent coin.
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How to Find Local Food Sources
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A Trip to the Farmer's Market
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Angry Birds Rio Coming In March (Video)
Angry Birds has become one of the most popular mobile games ever, and the company behind it Rovio Mobile continues to develop the game with new version, and it looks like a new version will be launching in March.
Angry Birds Rio is a collaboration between 20th Century Fox and Rovio Mobile, 20th Century Fox are developing a new animated movie called ‘Rio’.
From the makers of the hit Ice Age series, Rio is a comedy-adventure about taking a walk on the wild side. Blu is a domesticated Macaw who never learned to fly, living a comfortable life with his owner and best friend Linda in the small town of Moose Lake, Minnesota. Blu and Linda think he’s the last of his kind, but when they learn about another Macaw who lives in Rio de Janeiro, they head to the faraway and exotic land to find Jewel, Blu’s female counterpart.
The Angry Birds Rio game will be available in March for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and should be available at the same time the new Rio movie launches, you can have a look at the Angry Birds Rio trailer below.
via PadGadget
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Angry Birds Rio Coming In March (Video) (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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January 28, 2011: U.S. Army Commemorative Coins, 2011 Platinum Eagle, World Mint Coin Programs
Welcome to Coin Update!
We’re back with another round up of coin collecting news and articles before the weekend break. First, details and images of the upcoming 2011 U.S. Army Commemorative coin program, which includes a $5 gold coin, silver dollar, and half dollar. Also, the CCAC review of the 2011 Platinum Eagle designs, US Mint customers sound off, preview of upcoming coin programs from world mints, America the Beautiful Quarters and Silver Bullion Coins, 1896-O Barber Quarter, and notable auctions. On to the links…
Sales of the 2011 United States Army Commemorative Coins will begin next week on January 31. The program includes three different coins, struck in proof and uncirculated versions, across four different Mint facilities.
Coverage of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee’s discussion of the 2011 American Platinum Eagle design candidates. The CFA’s favored design AEP-R-05 received only 1 point in the CCAC’s voting.
Numismatic News readers provide their thoughts on the factors which have contributed to 25% decline in the US Mint’s customer base.
Dave Harper explains what happened when the National Bank of Poland tried a new online method for coin sales. Customers were required to bid on new releases rather than pay fixed prices and had to pick up their coins rather than have them shipped.
More than two tons of coins with a face value of $64,500 went missing after being picked up by Brink’s armored trucks. Banking industry officials are “mystified” about the loss.
Want a preview of the upcoming coin programs from some of the other world mints? Tom Michael provided live coverage of the Media Forum at the World Money Fair in Berlin. Go to his blog and scroll down to read the seven entries covering the event.
Yesterday, sales of Gettysburg National Military Park Quarter bags and rolls began at the US Mint. Price increases have now brought the cost of these products to double face value.
The last America the Beautiful Quarter to be released this year will feature Chickasaw National Recreation Area. This news article provides some information on the Chickasaw people and history of the area.
Production of 2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins has begun. The diameter of the coins will remain at 3 inches.
Numismatic Americana has acquired the finest known 1896-O Barber Quarter, an issue considered to be an extreme rarity in high grade.
And now for some notable auctions. First, an 1881-CC Morgan Dollar from the GSA hoard with a struck thru error. The coin resides in the original GSA holder, with an NGC certification label.
Next, a nearly complete collection of Flying Eagle Cents and Indian Head Cents. Only the key date 1877 is missing.
The US Mint used to create some interesting sets for their commemorative coin programs. The Lewis & Clark Coinage and Currency Set included the 2004 commemorative silver dollar, plus 2004 Jefferson Nickels, 2004 Sacagawea Dollar, a Peace Medal, a replica note, three postage stamps, and two informational booklets. No special sets are planned for this year’s programs.
That’s it for the update. Have an enjoyable weekend!
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Chevy Volt Availability Plan Accelerated in 2011 as Response to High Demand
It looks like GM’s decision to run the Chevy Volt hype machine around the clock for the past two years has paid off: The car is so hot, the company has announced that Volts will be available at dealerships in all 50 states by the end of 2011. As of now, it’s only on sale in six markets—New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington, D.C., California, and Texas—with Michigan sales beginning soon.
The rest of the country was going to have to wait until the first half of 2012 to buy the plug-in hybrid. Starting in the third quarter of 2011, Volts will arrive in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Washington, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii. The remaining markets will see Volts on dealer lots in the fourth quarter of 2011, likely in November. Rob Peterson, a GM spokesman, explained, “The Volt is helping to change consumer perceptions about Chevrolet, bringing a stream of new buyers to our dealer showrooms. Accelerating the nationwide roll-out gives us the opportunity to capitalize on the enthusiasm for the Volt beyond the initial seven launch markets.”
Some outlets outside of those seven launch markets, however, aren’t content to wait. The sales manager at Jim Ellis Chevrolet, in Atlanta, Georgia, drove a Volt home from Long Island so the dealership would be able to show it to customers. It now is on a heavy test-drive rotation, along with a second Volt that the dealership picked up recently. According to Mark Frost, the sales manager, they are doing between five and ten Volt test drives per day. That the dealership will be able to sell the Volt in the second half of 2011, rather than the middle of 2012, is welcome news: they have taken 15 deposits from customers, with another 100 signed up on a waiting list.
Waiting lists at bow-tie dealerships around the country could get very crowded later this year. Selling the Volt nationwide in 2011, rather than in just seven markets, means that the planned run of 10,000 vehicles is going to be stretched mighty thin. General Motors says it is looking closely at increasing production—there are rumors that the company could double production this year, and multiply 2012 production by an even larger factor—but for now, no decisions have been made. Peterson says that about half of the Volt’s customers have leased the car through the company’s $2500-down, $350-per-month lease program.
Until you have the chance to try out a Volt for yourself—demo cars should be at dealerships nationwide this spring—check out our review and in-depth analysis of the car’s hybrid drive system.
Related posts:
- Chevy Volt Pricing: How Does it Stack Up?
- GM Claims Chevy Volt is On Track Despite Cost Hurdles
- GM Expects Chevy Volt to Achieve 230 mpg City
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Cancer Drug Aids Regeneration of Spinal Cord After Injuries
Two of the most important of these factors are the destabilization of the cytoskeleton and the development of scar tissue.
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iTunes updated for CDMA iPhone
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Real Gourmet Caching
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Debate on C-Reactive Protein Test and Statins
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Friday, January 28, 2011
How Russia Created Its Own Islamic Terrorism Problem
The terrorist attack at the Moscow airport on Jan. 24 was horrific, murdering dozens of innocent civilians.
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How Facebook's Value Could Surpass $100 Billion
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10 Things You Need To Know Before The Opening Bell
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Running For Chocolate
One thing I love about running is that you can enjoy chocolate guilt-free. I don't mean eating a post-run chocolate-chip cookie that you "earned" during your run. I'm talking about eating or drinking chocolate because it's part of your nutrition plan for before, during, and after your runs. (Yes, I'll use any excuse to justify my chocolate addiction.)
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P. G. Wodehouse
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Azadirachtin is a Safe and Effective Organic Insecticide
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Compost For All Seasons - Winter
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Chrome Extension Proxlet Allows You To Mute Annoying Tweets
A new Google Chrome extension called Proxlet now allows you to take a little more control over your Twitter accounts. If you are already a Twitter user you will already know how difficult a job it is to hide content you are not interested in. Even the Twitter block feature will still allow updates coming into your tweet stream if someone you follow retweets them.
Proxlet provides a new handy way to mute people, hashtags, Foursquare tweets and more from your feed, even if you’re not following them.
To setup Proxlet simply download and make sure you have the latest Twitter version on your system. After Proxlet is installed each tweet will have a small “proxlet” command box when you hover over it. Click on it will provide a pop-up box to appear with numerous filtering and blocking options. Enjoy!
Via Geek
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Chrome Extension Proxlet Allows You To Mute Annoying Tweets (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Disney 3D Android Smartphone
Disney has released more details on their new Android based 3D smartphone that we heard about recently, the Disney 3D Android smartphone will be available in Japan and will have access to the ‘Disney Market’.
The Disney 3D Android smartphone is based on the Sharp Galapagos 003SH, and it features a 3.8 inch touchscreen 3D display, plus a 9.6 megapixel camera and a 1GHz Snapdragon processor.
Others specifications on the Disney 3D Android smartphone include built in WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, a TV tuner and an e-wallet function, and buyers of this Disney phone will get a unique email address.
The Disney 3D Android smartphone will only be available in Japan from next month, there are no details on pricing as yet.
via Mobile Crunch
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Disney 3D Android Smartphone (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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Algoriddim’s Djay for iPad (video)
Djay the application features in Apples latest iPad commercial has just been put through its paces by the Cult of Mac team. The new Djay transforms your iPad into a full-fledged DJ system, allowing you to mix your iPod music library on a realistic looking turntable interface.
With Djay you can perform live, record mixes on-the-go, or enable Automix mode and let djay mix your favorite playlist automatically. Watch the video after the jump to see the new Djay app in action.
Djay gives you instant access to all your existing songs and playlists on your iPad, allowing you to search your iPod music library and easily play, mix and scratch your favorite songs. Even if you dont feel like doing the mixing yourself you can sit back and let Djay do it for you with the Automix feature.
Djay is now available to purchase from the iTunes App Store for $20
Via Cult Of Mac
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Algoriddim’s Djay for iPad (video) (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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ChessBase Training with GM Efstratios Grivas (Part 1)
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2012 Nissan GT-R – First Drive Review
Godzilla goes on a power trip.
In Nissan’s bone-dry technospeak, the 2012 Nissan GT-R is called the R35 GT-R (12MY M/C). Catchy, isn’t it? The R35 is the current model designation for two-door Skyline spinoffs (you may recall the previous Japan-only R32–R34s). The “12MY” refers to the 2012 model year, of course, while the “M/C” stands for “minor change,” according to chief engineer and resident GT-R god Kazutoshi Mizuno.
Keep Reading: 2012 Nissan GT-R – First Drive Review
Related posts:
- 2012 Nissan GT-R – Official Photos and Info
- 2010 Nissan GT-R – Car News
- 2010 Nissan GT-R Gets Its Launch Control Reprogrammed – Feature
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Study Suggests New Ovarian Cancer Treatment Option
A paper published in the January issue of the journal Nanomedicine could provide the foundation for a new ovarian cancer treatment option - one that would use an outside-the-body filtration device to remove a large portion of the free-floating cancer cells that often create secondary tumors.
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30,000 'miss out on radiotherapy'
Tens of thousands of cancer patients are missing out on potentially curative radiotherapy, it has been claimed.
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Verizon offers trade-in credit for AT&T iPhones
Originally posted at Circuit Breaker
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Is Apple preparing to release new MacBook Pros?
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Daily Quiz for January 28, 2011
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Snowshoe Geocaching – A Video
White fields of deep, powdery snow can’t stop geocachers from embarking on a high-tech treasure hunt. They simply adapt. Watch this video to follow along as geocacher Greg McCaddon, Totemlake, leads a group of eight on a snowshoe geocaching adventure in the postcard-perfect mountains of Washington State.
Geocachers say snowshoe caching is like preparing for any winter sport. It’s recommended you dress in layers, bring water, food, survival gear and (of course) your GPS receiver loaded with nearby caches.
Totemlake hosts a Hike of the Month for local geocachers. Watch the video to see the unique token that each participant receives and what goes into the cache on each Hike of the Month.
Explore more than 30 videos in our gallery. Share a video on “Basics of Hiding a Geocache,” watch a Travel Bug® move from cache to cache around the world and visit the highest and lowest geocaches in existence.
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Bill would expand autism coverage
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a two-part series. Thursday's edition featured an Edmond family's efforts to seek better autism insurance coverage.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
Text message blows up Moscow suicide bomber by accident
A A A Vans of the Russian Emergencies Ministry wait outside Moscow's Domodedovo international airport on January 24, 2011, shortly after a deadly explosion.
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10 Things You Need To Know Before The Opening Bell
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Get Over Your Racing Fears
I talk to a lot of beginner runners who feel somewhat comfortable with casual running, but they're petrified to take the plunge into road racing. They all share many of the same fears and anxieties. The most common one is, "I'm going to finish last!" I've even heard this declaration from several runners about the same race, which is always amusing. (Um, sorry, you can't ALL finish last!)
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Compost Activator for Composting Leaves Fast in an Organic Garden
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Diet May Lower Risk of Cognitive Impairment, Mayo Clinic Researchers Find
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Writer iPad Keyboard Case Designed For Professionals
A new iPad keyboard case design called the Writer has started its bid to make it to market on Kickstarter and with 7 days left to receive it remaining pledges looks set to make it. With currently $9,492 raise from a required $10,000 to get the project moving.
The Writer keyboard looks a little more designed and thought out than most on the market and is equipped with a sleek aluminum body and scissor action keys. A unique feature of the Writer is that the keyboard glides along a magnetic strip within the case allowing for unlimited screen angles and the adjustable stability you require where ever you might be typing.
To conserve battery life as soon as the case is closed the keyboard will auto sleep and wake once again when opened. There’s also a LED battery indicator providing a visual warning when you need to charge. When you no longer require a keyboard and prefer to hold your iPad the Writer allows the iPad to easily be freed from the case and refitted when needed.
The iPad Writer Keyboard is the brain child of Kris Perpich and Zach Zeliff and more information is available on the Kickstarter website.
Via Gadget Lab
This is a post from Geeky Gadgets, who bring you the latest Gadgets and Technology News.
Writer iPad Keyboard Case Designed For Professionals (C) 2010 Geeky Gadgets
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